Misha Prather
Both the Prather’s were on the air…Ken doing the morning show and selling advertising during the rest of the day. Misha ran the offices but also did daily program logs and a daily interview program at noon that would feature local businessmen and city & county officials. The program was very popular and became the predecessor to the long running “Free For All.” As Misha had been a teacher and college professor, she also knew a lot of the young people in Casper and was very popular. KATI programmed “Popular” music for the young people and programs and news to the older generation.
In 1961 the Prathers moved to Boulder to open another station there called KDEY, and in 1963 Pat Meenan bought them out to become sole owner of KATI.
Prather Goedick Wedding Announcement
Photo Courtesy of: Casper Star Tribune Collection, Casper College Western History Center
Ken Prather
Ken Prather – KATI Station Owner from 1957 to 1963. Photo from 1946. Photo Courtesy of: Casper Star Tribune Collection, Casper College Western History Center